Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"I Don't Worry About That"

Jane and her best friend Emma who used to comment together how Emma has a "brown face" and Jane's face is "white"

Being here in Indiana definitely has opened my eyes to a lot of new adventures.  It's good for me.  It's hard for me but really good for me.  I really am grateful that my children will get that experience at a young age so they will be more accepting of cultural, religious, racial diversity.  

We have had to tell Jane that not everyone goes to the same church as we do.  Not everyone is the same color as we are.  Not everyone's circumstances are like ours.  Coming from Utah where most are LDS, caucasian--well--just like us, Indiana is a big change (I am totally talking to myself right now but trying to lay it all on the kids:)

Whenever Jane experiences this all she says is, "I don't worry about that."  The other day we got to ride in a school bus for Kindergarten Round-up and the bus driver was black.  I was telling Brett that our bus driver was really funny and crazy, when Jane piped in, "and black, but I don't worry about that."  

Today we saw a whole bunch of Amish families at the Indianapolis Speedway and Jane asked if they were pioneers.  I had to explain that they wear their "funny underwear" on the outside and believe in different things than we do.  Again, her response, "I don't worry about that".

I am learning a lot out here.  Mostly, from Jane, to be more accepting of the differences in people.  There are good people everywhere and I have met many that may do things that I don't do, believe things that I don't believe in and dress differently than I do but......."I don't worry about that."


Debbie said...

I love that you are realizing that. Sometimes I think the bubble we are in is not so good for us. People are good everywhere. Good for Jane!!

kami @ said...

How cute. I can hear little Jane say it now. I'm a bit jealous of your experience.

Alyssa said...

We can learn so much from our children. They are good at speaking plainly, enjoying people, and not judging others. Your experiences in Indiana are good for the whole family (and the rest of us who read about them). I am excited that you are going back to Utah soon. I know everyone misses you. Will you eat at Cafe Rio for me? (Even if you don't like it.) I love their tortilla soup and I have not had it for over a year now. So sad. Very sad. Enjoy your day. AH

jenn said...

That Janey bug is a brilliant child. She is so smart and we can all learn from her. Thanks for updating the blog. I needed my "hit" of the Hatches. See you in one week--can't wait.

Unknown said...

That's cute Jane said that! I think it is so great to have exposure to all the differences. It is hard in Utah because there isn't a ton of diversity.

The Brannon Family said...

What a great experience! I know when my family moved to St. Louis, it definitely opened my eyes. I went from grade school in Orem, where literally everyone was LDS except for like 3 people to St. Louis where I was the ONLY Mormon in my Jr. High! I will tell you that it changed my life and I am eternally grateful for that experience!

It is good to have diversity! Janey is a brilliant girl!